Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Loooooooong Days

Hello from San Diego! I am ti-red. Yesterday and today were long, but everything came together beautifully. We set up the store yesterday and had our first customers this morning. WOO HOO!

Me and Maureen - the store mavens
Our volunteers are AWESOME and despite the long hours, we are having tons o' fun. I got to go out to eat with Leslie and Joel and some of Joel's registration friends. It was a great chance to sit down for a while and meet new people.
Random moment of the day: I walked over to the mall to pick up some BBQ chix from CPK (YUM!) and there was this guy just laying face first on the ground. I almost didn't seem him as I turned to get on the escalator, but turned around to see what everyone was looking at. And as I turn around on the escalator, there is a guy two steps down videotaping the scene and chuckling under his breath. So these guys are just playing around, probably for some YouTube video, and all of these people in the mall are staring and looking concerned. Some people close the the guy were even saying "Are you ok?" and crouching down low to see if he was breathing. So I just kept on walking too hungry to care about whatever YoutTube nonsense they were doing. Random - I never see these kinds of things in W. Michigan. :)
I am off for tonight... Sleep tight world!

1 comment:

Aletha | Pearls Events said...

Awe--you two are good lookin'!