Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Today for lunch I was expecting to eat my yummy leftover cashew chicken from Chinese lunch with the girls. All through my workout I was dreaming of cashew chicken, pushing myself just a little harder with the promise of Chinese yumminess at the end. I finish, shower, primp, run upstairs to the kitchen area, open up the fridge and NO CHINESE.

That's right. Someone decided to take my leftover Chinese. Ridiculous. I am mad. Because have I mentioned that I REALLY wanted those leftovers? I looked through both fridges (nothing), racked my brain to make sure I had actually put it in the fridge yesterday (I did), I even looked in the freezer (again, nothing).

So now I am eating a salad from the cafeteria. Not NEAR as good as my Chinese. I can't believe I had to pay three dollars for it (I'm cheap, ok?). My general good mood has been tweaked and that fact makes me even more ticked. I mean, does not having my Chinese affect me that much? Today it did. It is all a matter of expectations.


Aletha | Pearls Events said...

Those BUMS! I cannot beleive it and I'm sad for you. I hope your lunch tomorrow is better than the crappy salad you had today.

Becky said...

This happened to me twice before!! And it is always something good that they take. I think we should have a stake-out in the kitchen.