Monday, February 18, 2008

The Bright Side

Every inch of me is cold. This is probably not helped my the fact that I just ate ice cream, but I refuse to let the weather dictate my dessert. I don't dislike winter, I am just getting tired of being constantly cold (especially my toes!) and I am sick of my winter clothes and my skin has forgotten how to hold an inch of moisture. So, before I go into a rant about winter, I am going to stop and look on the bright side:

1. The writer's strike is OVER. I am beyond glad - that means the Office will be back in April. I am going to try hard and not wish March away.
2. I am leaving for San Diego in 4 days. Even though I have to work, the end of my time there will be spent with Kevin and some good friends we don't see near enough.
3. It is almost March which brings the official start to spring (even if we don't see its effects til May). March also brings a fun girl trip to Fife Lake. I am very much looking forward to chilling with the girls and watching chick flicks.
4. This movie looks really cute and I think I am going to make Kevin take me to it while we're in San Diego. :o)

I am easily distracted, because already I feel better. So, what are you looking forward to in the near future?

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