Friday, June 20, 2008

bag o' books

I love books. So it is not surprising that I work with books, about books, and for books all day. I just love reading. Ever have since I was just a lil thing. But, my love of reading + my job at a publsihing house creates a BIG problems.

Stacks of books. Everywhere. I have a ton of books (boxes and bags upon boxes and bags) sitting in my basement that need good homes. Books that I got, read once, and then didn't care to keep. And I still have two decent sized bookscases in our office that are full of the keepers. The ones I go back and read over and over and over again.

Where do all these books come from? Well, a couple of times a year there is an employee sale at work. Now, we have an awesome discount every day for our books. But this sale is for items that get returned to us that aren't ours (really you would think bookstores would be smarter). It is a chance to pick up a ton of good reads that we don't publish. And get this, it is all for a donation. There are no set prices. It is a book lover's heaven.

So here is my bag of books sitting on my desk:

Don't be deceived. That is one of those fold up reusable bags I use for groceries. I stuffed a lot in that ole bag. Now, most of these are quick summer reads. This bag of 20 or so books will last me through the summer. Then the lot will get thrown in the basement with the other discarded books. But right now I can barely wait to get my claws into all those stories. And if they're lame, they'll just get to meet the basement pile sooner than later. The weekend cannot get here soon enough.

1 comment:

Jessica Brown said...

I KNOW WHAT YOU MEAN about books and books and books.

It drives Josh crazy.

Part of the fun - and the challenge - of working where we do.

And I'm totally running out of places to put them all.