Sunday, February 10, 2008

This Weekend

I loved this weekend. Now, I generally love weekends, I mean, who doesn't? But this weekend was wonderful. It was stunningly ordinary and I loved every minute of it.

Friday evening kicked off with dinner at Boberino's with Texer, Renee, Steve, Kristi and Kevin. Then we met up with Aletha, Greg, and the Strostras for the GR Symphony Tribute to the Beatles. It was way fun. I kept leaning over to Kevin and saying, "This is my favorite. No wait, this is my favorite." I feel sorry for people who don't really like the Beatles.

After that we headed over to Mixology for drinks with Greg and Aletha. It was great to catch up with Aletha since I don't see her everyday anymore. And it just felt good to be out and about in GR. It wasn't too cold, so rather than rushing from place to place, we could stroll about. Plus, I think I was a bit buzzed (alas, I am a bit of a lightweight) so everything just seemed so much brighter and better.

Saturday was Kevin's birthday and we just hung out together all day. He is not one for brithday celebrations, but I am! So while he slept in, I went out and got him bagels from Big Apple, groceries for a big breakfast on Sunday and all the fixin's for his fav dessert - creme brulee. Too bad the torch I bought to carmalize the sugar needed gas, which I did not have - oops! We ate them anyway, sans carmalized sugar.

Sunday I woke up to blistering winds and drifting snow. We made it to church, but didn't travel out after that (which was just fine by me). In the words of Speyer's florist friend Konstantine, "I love it when nature just makes you stop." Because today I was glad that it was snowy out. It made being inside with Kevin all the more better - knowing we could just be all day. There was not where to go to, nothing to do. I loved every minute of it.

And this is why I loved this weekend. Time with friends, celebrating my husband, snowy walks with the dog, sappy movies on tv, good music, laughter. Nothing spectacular, but lovely mundane things that made me love every minute of it.

1 comment:

Aletha VanderMaas said...

Meg--Greg + I had a blast with you guys on Friday night. Of course The Beatles were great, but that ONE drink was COMPLETELY yummy and it was awesome being out on the town :) See ya Tuesday.