Sunday, January 27, 2008


I miss Sunday.

I love Sundays. Church in the morning. Lunch with Kevin. Lazy hours spent napping, or watching football, or doing nothing. Sundays are wonderful days. God really knew what he was doing when he created the Sabbath, eh?

More recently I have found another item to list on the pro side for Sundays. The Complete Jane Austen on Masterpiece Theatre. I am addicted to anything Jane Austen. Have been since the first time I read Emma in 9th grade (I am a bit of a romantic). The wonderfully strange language, the stoic men, and witty women won me over. The plots are fairly predictable, but it doesn't matter. The means to which the plots are lived out and the language and posturing of the characters is fun enough. Oh, good Jane. They just don't write novels like yours anymore.

And today is Monday. And it is rainy and work is rough (I am actually online because I have been working for about an hour and a half). And I am in a whiny mood and losing respect for myself because of it. And I really want to be transported back to yesterday. I want to take another nap with Kevin, snuggle with Brody, and curl up with a blanket and get lost in the world of Miss Price's, Mansfield Parks, and one true loves.


Aletha VanderMaas said...

really excited you decided to do blogger. it's more fun to read in here :)

Anonymous said...

Yay for Megan's blog. Yay for Jane Austen. Yay for Sundays. Boo for Mondays. :)