Friday, January 30, 2009

just get me through

Certain days deserve certain music. Today I am majorly stressed and I need songs that that just get me through. Songs that make me feel better because I like them that much. This is one of those songs for me. Plus, I love the line "baby I'm a man, I was born to hate." Makes me laugh!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


1. I have gained 15 pounds since getting married. Blech. Thus the new resolve to run more.
2. I don't read my Bible. Well, regularly at least. And I work for the world's leading Bible publisher. And I own at least 10 Bibles.
3. I love to sing. At one time I was good at it. I don't really sing anywhere anymore except to my dog or my husband or when I randomly break into song.
4. I had an eating disorder in college. I have never said/typed that before, but let's just call things what they are, shall we?
5. I have a complete lack of follow-through. I started my first novel when I was 10, and have started dozens of so since then. And haven't finished a darn one.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Music to run to

I need some new songs to listen to while I workout. I am training for a 10k and have been running 4 days a week so I am getting pretty sick of my current playlists. Got any ideas for me?

Jenna Fischer shared her list with SELF magazine, so I might poach some from there. What do you like to listen to when you are kicking some ass?

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A little sad

So maybe more than a little. My brother is moving to Seattle. Right now he lives fifteen minutes away. In less than a month he will be 3 time zones away. I am really happy for him and Karaline. I am excited for this new chapter in their lives.

But I am also a lot sad for me. A lot. And now I am going to concentrate on not crying for the last hour of work.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Today is a great day.

Somedays I just feel euphoric. This is one of those days. There is no special reason. It is just a good day. And days like these remind me to push through the crappy times (like all last week – pure crap). Because life is life. And you will have moments that make your heart ache. And you will have moments of joy that make you want to sing or burst or move or dance or do something to physically show how emotionally full/complete/whole you feel.

So if today is not one of your euphoric days, hang in there. They are just around the corner. And if it is one of those lovely days for you, hold on to it and savor the goodness.